The Production & Manufacturing Institute
Did we change our logo?
Yes...same excellent program, but with a new look!
Be a Part of the Movement
We started by asking a question:
Can a high school student graduate with the knowledge, skills, and credentials to be qualified to go directly into the workplace?
We think the answer should be "YES." We know it can be. We've seen it, we believe it, and we envision this as a pathway to help solve the workforce shortage problem.
Then we went farther.
Can we ridge business and K12?
Can we show kids a pathway to a future career?
Can we resource schools to help students succeed?
Can we SHIFT MINDSETS to change beliefs?
Can we REVOLUTIONIZE the way we train high school students?
Can we offer these solutions to employers to develop (upskill) current employees?
Can we find people who are misaligned, nontraditional, underserved, or otherwise have the aptitude, but need to find a career?
Can we solve the workforce crisis?
Still, the answer is "YES." The question is "HOW?"
What started as a consortium of manufacturers in 2019 to launch our first Manufacturing Institute for 20 kids has become a movement to change the way we prepare tomorrow's workforce.
We need your support. It takes money and resources, and you can help make the difference. All funds run through the Spokane Workforce Council and hold a 501(c)(3) status.
We're still building the site...but please reach out to us if you'd like to help or learn more. We look forward to working with you as a part of our solution.